Wednesday, February 28

Paris Fashion Week (Part 3)

Photographers get ready for the Givenchy show

The Holy Hierarchy of Rows

Bathrobe rehearsals

Gemma Ward ROCKS the runway
(just so you know, those awful clothes are her own)

It's show time !!!

Backstage interviews

Champagne Celebration :)

Paris Fashion Week (Part 2)

Centre Georges Pompidou

Shopping at Paul & Joe :)

Lunch at one of my fav places - Kong

FYI: Carrie Bradshaw ate here in the Paris episodes ;)

Tuesday, February 27

Paris Fashion Week (Part 1)

First stop in Paris : Les Galeries Lafayettes

The Opera House

The famed ballerina store, Repetto

Place Vendome

The Ritz Hotel

Hemingway's Classic Raspberry Martini at the Ritz' Bar Hemingway

Monday, February 26

Fly Fly Fly Away

Depart pour Paris ce soir :)
Vous pouvez me joindre sur mon portable francais:



Sunday, February 25

Who Will Go Home With Oscar Tonight?

Best Picture


Best Director

Martin Scorcese, The Departed

Best Actor

Forrest Whitaker, The Last King of Scotland

Best Actress

Helen Mirren, The Queen

Best Supporting Actor

Alan Arkin, Little Miss Sunshine

Best Supporting Actress

Jennifer Hudson, Dreamgirls

Best Original Screenplay

Little Miss Sunshine

Village Coffee

On se remet du froid et de la grisaille au Cafe Reggio avec Cassandre.

I Want Candy

Saturday, February 24

Thursday, February 22

Strawberry Tartines & Royalty

Reveil en douceur chez Balthazar ce matin. Enfin un vrai petit-dejeuner bien de chez nous, a partager avec Yee-Lynn. Pour nous mettre completement dans l'ambiance, deux couples de francais debarquent (Le Monde sous le bras) et enchainent sur un debat Sarkozy/Royal. Ca gache presque mon pain au chocolat.

Qui vois-je entrain d'attendre devant Parsons en arrivant en cours? Le Prince de Monaco himself, Andrea Casiraghi. Le temps que je me rende compte que c'etait bien lui, j'etais deja dans l'ascenseur...evidemment ici personne ne le reconnait. Je trouvais ca quand meme bien douteux, alors j'ai vite file sur Google: il s'avere que sa copine, Tatiana Santo Domingo, vient de commencer un Master en Histoire de l'Art ici. Je sais ce que vous pensez - vous mourrez pas moins betes. Mais moi, c'est pas tous les jours que je croise un Prince! :)

Wednesday, February 21

The Incredible Shrinking Model

"Raise the issue of eating disorders during Fashion Week, and someone will inevitably bring up that lost, glorious era of the supermodel: Christy, Naomi, Cindy, Linda, the four-headed stompy-legged beast with big shiny hair, the one that wouldn't get up for less than $10,000. Those were the days when models took up space. They were stars. They made demands. And their faces were everywhere. (Although, of course, the clothes have shrunk, too, sample sizes dwindling from a 6 to a 4 to a 2 and below. These days, fashion people do not talk about models with awe. Instead, they speak of them with condescending affection , as if they were lovable circus folk. Again, and again, I hear that they are "beautiful freaks", "genetic anomalies" - girls born to be bone-thin, with giraffelike necks and the wide, pretty doll faces that are the latest visual sensation. But there is also pity for the models, who are basically high-school dropouts, teenagers from poor countries, whose careers last a very short time. They are infinetely replaceable. Although top girls can make up to $100,000 in a week of shows, the vast majority get nowhere near that; some of the more prominent designers pay the girls only in clothes."

My Dream Schedule

Mardi 27 fevrier
9h30 Balenciaga
14h30 Christian Dior
Mercredi 28 fevrier
9h30 Karl Lagerfeld
12h30 Valentino
13h30 Costume National
19h30 Givenchy
Jeudi 1er mars
10h00 Stella McCartney
16h30 Celine
20h00 Yves Saint Laurent
Vendredi 2 mars
11h30 Chanel
20h00 Alexander McQueen
Samedi 3 mars
10h30 Hermes
15h30 Chloe
20h00 John Galliano
Dimanche 4 mars
11h00 Nina Ricci
15h00 Louis Vuitton
17h30 Lanvin
19h30 Miu Miu

Tuesday, February 20

Paris Fashion Week, Baby!!

25 fevrier - 4 mars
New York ----> Alice ----> Paris ----> Givenchy
:) :) :) :) :)

Mine Mine Mine

Monday, February 19

The Storm Has Passed

La tempete de neige s'est terminee cette semaine.
Maintenant tout est gris, marron, mouille, glace, sale...un vrai bonheur.

Sunday, February 18

I See Stars

De retour au 40/40 pour le All-Star game...l'Est a perdu :(

Saturday, February 17

Friday, February 16

Happy Birthday...Mister President

It's President's Day weekeeeennnnd :) (=vacances)

Thursday, February 15

Girls Girls Girls

Dinner party at Nero

Drinks at Cain's

L'eternelle guerre des taxis....