Thursday, November 16

How To Survive A Global Marketing Class

Where were you born? Lyon, France.
Where do you live now? New York.
Where will you be living next year? New York, Chicago, Boston, D.C., Miami, Honolulu...I don't know yet.
Have you ever been drunk? Mhm I have felt very happy...
Have you ever been in love? I usually change my mind about that afterwards ;) Isn't that the whole point of survival?
Pepsi or Coke? Pepsi. North Carolina baby!
Facebook or MySpace? Facebook.
Football or basketball? Basketball. Obviously.
East coast or west coast? East coast.
What is your favorite dessert? My mom's lemon pie.
What is your favorite drink? The Mercer Kitchen's white chocolate martini.
What is your weakness? Alpha boys and procrastination.
Are you a morning person? Hahahahahaha...
Three things that you hate: Stupid people, Dukies, and leopard-print leggins.
Three things that annoy you: Stupid people, Dukies, and leopard-print leggins.
Do you curse a lot? Yes but I'm French so I'm allowed to.
Have you ever loved someone so much it made you cried? Who the hell does that?!
Have you picked out names for your children? Noah, Grace Louise, James & Ella Rose (no I'm not crazy, I'm just a girl).
What is your favorite season? Spring and Fall.
What kind of shoes are you wearing today? Gray suede bow ankle boots.
Three jobs you want? LVMH, Oscar de la Renta & KCD.
First thought when you woke up today? My place is such a mess. Ugh.
What is your favorite store? Intermix.
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Whoever takes reservations at Pastis.
Who was the last person you texted? Brian.
Who was the last person you talked to in person? Emily.
Who was the last person you sent an e-mail to? Scott.
If you were a candy, what would you be? Gummy peaches (no pun intended).
Do you dream in black&white or in color? In color.
What are you wearing now? Seven's jeans, white puff-sleeve blouse, dark blue cashmere sweater vest.
Where do you intend to get married? I will leave that up to fantastic wedding planner Karen Bussen ;)
What you wanted to be when you were a kid? A lawyer.
What did you have for breakfast? I don't eat breakfast.
What are you having for dinner? Creamed spinach, chicken tenders and blueberries from Whole Foods.
Where were you last summer? Lyon, Geneva, Hannover, Madrid, London, Corsica.
Where will you be next summer? Who knows.
Where do you want to live? New York.
Where do you want to visit? Tokyo.
What is your favorite flower? I have no idea.
What is your dream car? A Maserati, for the cute crown on the seats.
What is the last gift you received? Kenneth Jay Lane jade and amber necklaces.
Do you cry easily? Yes. Usually out of rage.
Do you get jealous easily? Yes. I hold it in. And then I cry out of rage.
Do you take criticism well? No. I always take it personally.
Have you ever skinny dipped? Yep.
Are you afraid of flying? I love flying.
If you could change one thing about your best friend(s), what would it be? They would be living in New York.
What CD are you currently listening to? What's a CD?
What book are you currently reading? For One More Day, by Mitch Albom.
What was the last thing you ate? Dean & Deluca's blueberry muffin.
Who was the last person you yelled at or hit? The two idiots sitting next to us at the movies last night.
What do you want right now? A Shar Pei puppy.
What do most people see you as? A lawyer.
What is your greatest fear? Failure.

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